Free Seminar on Antioxidant Scanner

01 Nov 2012 9:48 AM | Working Women (Administrator)
You're invited to learn more about the only non-invasive scanner that measures the flavonoids and carotenoids in your cells and is exclusive to MonaVie on November 7th at Sheraton Tampa East Hotel in Tampa.  The Patent protected MonaVie VIEW scanner uses technology called reflection spectroscopy.  Astronomers used this same technology to create the Hubble Space Telescope and to identify the composition of the atmosphere of Neptune and the rings of Saturn).

They will spend time describing this technology and then everyone will have the opportunity to get their antioxidant Life Scores color – red, orange, yellow, green, blue or purple for FREE. This non-invasive technology can measure the antioxidants in your body in 5 seconds and provide you a color score.  In 30 seconds the Scanner can be more precise and give you a numeric score.  This translates to the health of your cells.  Or in other words who's winning the battle?  The free radicals or the antioxidants?  This is a predictor of aging and your body's ability to fight inflammation and disease.  You will also hear how you can positively impact your Life Score.  
Monavie Executive Vice President of Product Development, Jeff Graham will be there, along with several successful Monavie Distributors.  The meeting is scheduled from 7:30 to 9:30 with the majority of the time spent on the science.
THIS EVENT IS FREE! Just email Jenny Bennett for the invite to print and show at the door.