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Want to stop procrastinating?

25 Jul 2011 9:28 PM | Working Women (Administrator)
Want to stop procrastinating?
by Kathy McDonald, productivity expert, business coach, author and speaker

Think of something on your to-do list that you “should” do, that has been on your list long enough it’s growing mold.    

Give yourself permission not to do it.  Yep, channel your inner slacker.  

Now pay attention to the feelings that show up next.  This is where it gets interesting.

One of two things will happen:
You’ll feel relief like my client Bridget*, who realized she was sweating over something that didn’t really need to get done.  If this is your case, enjoy the energy you just released that can be channeled towards something that matters more to you.  


You’ll feel resistance, like my client Margaret*.  She had been putting off getting another level of certification for her profession.  No matter what she tried, she couldn’t get into action.  “Great.  Don’t do it,” I prompted.  There was a long pause.  Then the discussion began.  She realized the certification was critical to her staying competitive in her field.  It meant the financial stability of her family.  We just uncovered the motivation she needed to get off the fence and get the certification done.

What’s your motivation?

Deciding not to do the project you’ve been avoiding will help uncover what matters enough to you to move forward.  You can always add a reward to sweeten the pot.  In addition, imagine what it will feel like to complete.  Feel that sense of relief and satisfaction in your belly and mind.  The energy you free up from completion with give you new drive to tackle the other things on your list.

*Names are changed to protect client confidentiality.


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